Testing free energy of hydration features via Jazzy for solubility prediction.
This is a first of the “lets-test-this” posts: Google Colab notebook is here.
TLDR: Jazzy features does
not have positive impact on solubility prediction.
Intro: hydrogen bonds drive all
kind of interactions, and no doubt are important for drug design process. A
nice package from AstraZeneca was published recently that predict of
hydrogen-bond strengths and free energies of hydration of small molecules. It
looks like that the main application of Jazzy is for local settings – protein-ligand
strength estimation, SAR studies, but my interest was to test it on compound solubility
Goal: testing if free energy
of hydration (without free parameters) from Jazzy has an impact on prediction
of compound solubility.
- Data was taken from SolCuration, that's a derivate from Meng et al paper (AqSol) + additional curated datasets. In case of duplicated measurements, a median was taken and compounds with SD > 0.5 were removed (~1500 drop).
- Three types of descriptors were used: Morgan fingerprints, 2D descriptors from rdkit, Jazzy features
- 5-fold random cross-validation splits (no repeats)
Despite authors showed some positive correlation between compound activities and Jazzy features but for “global” solubility prediction (logS) results are not very promising, and Morgan alone or combination of Morgan + 2D descriptors showing better performance in a default catboost regression setup (no HP search).
Descriptors |
R2 |
Mean absolute percentage error |
Jazzy |
0.483166 |
0.697701 |
1.209996 |
Morgan |
0.647810 |
0.636827 |
1.005246 |
combo_Morgan_Jazzy |
0.709274 |
0.522402 |
0.912780 |
combo_2D_Jazzy |
0.755690 |
0.422069 |
0.832237 |
2D |
0.756753 |
0.416461 |
0.830284 |
combo_2D_Jazzy_Morgan |
0.770472 |
0.431028 |
0.806384 |
combo_Morgan_2D |
0.772232 |
0.412204 |
0.803286 |
It might be way more impactful if Jazzy features are used for GNN-like architecture, but for tabular data representation 2D/Morgan features are providing better results.
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